Informing? Supporting?

Let's Add Coaching!

We teach doulas and other birth support providers coaching strategies and verbal leadership skills that lay the foundation for healthy birth experiences.

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

  • Do you wish for more effective strategies to lead your clients prenatally to navigate and conduct themselves with confidence during birth? 

  • Do many of your clients end up with birth experiences so different from their original vision? 

  • How often do things go astray despite the resources and information you provided prenatally?

  • Are you exhausted from years of practicing in a 'battle zone' between two opposing approaches, while experts on both sides neglect the only perspective that matters - the birth givers’?

  • Do you feel burnt out by long hours of supporting your client during labor? Don't you wish you could spend many of these hours prenatally, instilling confidence and eliciting strong convictions in them?  

You are not alone. Many birth support professionals, such as doulas, childbbirth educators , prenatal yoga instructors, and others, feel the same frustration. That's why we developed Birth Coach Method. 

The Birth Support Coaching training will help you engage in powerful conversations that lead expectant individuals to actualize their desired experiences. The coaching for childbirth method is built around the five 'C's: Clarity, Confidence, Commitment, Conviction and (in) Charge. You'll learn to provide a series of prenatal coaching sessions that will lead your client to optimally conduct herself throughout the process, which in turn will increase her satisfaction level of the experience. 

Positive Birth Experiences Created By Positive Mindsets

Lamaze Approved!

This program has been approved by LAMAZE INTERNATIONAL for 13.5 Lamaze Contact Hours. These hours may be applied towards recertification as an LCCE educator under the learning competencies 1, 2, 5, and 7. (LIN 19-06).

This class has been eye-opening and I just want to let you know I so appreciate you and this course! This method is the game changer I've been looking for. Sometimes you don't know what's missing until you find it! I will tell all my doula friends about this class! Thank you

Ailish McMahon-Lewis, CD, New Britain, CT
Fulfill your destiny. Integrate coaching into birth support

Why Integrate Coaching into Birth Support? 

Coaches are leaders that bring individuals closer to their goals by facilitating clarity and providing clients with the strategies to confidently overcome challenges and internal resistances. This sounds perfect for childbirth, right?

Indeed, the healthcare system already recognizes the value of coaching and collaborates with health and lifestyle coaches.

With the practicality of coaching tools, you can create a powerful shift in your clients’ perspectives. You'll help birthing individuals and their families feel confident and take charge of the birthing process. When you reveal THEIR WAY they'll take charge of THEIR BIRTH."

Enroll in a birth support coaching course

Enroll in Our Coaching Course and Learn to:

  • Establish rapport and position yourself as an attentive and trustworthy leader.
  • Facilitate clarity around your client's belief system and desired birth process. 
  • Increase your clients' confidence and reduce fears and resistance 
  • Utilize your clients’ areas of strength  
  • Help your clients set tangible goals and the steps toward achieving them  
  • Align your clients' beliefs with their wishes and actions
  • Elicit your clients' accountability for their journey
Birth Coach Method Certification

Your passion to support individuals on their journey of becoming parents led you here.

Add coaching skills and leverage your birth support practice

Not ready for our premier certification program?
Check out our other training materials for birth professionals

Women's satisfaction has more to do with the way they conduct themselves and the way they are treated than with the actual clinical features of their labor

Penny Simkin

What Students Are Saying

"I can hardly believe I’ve been a doula for as long as I have without using this method. There was a disconnect between what my clients were telling me they wanted and the choices they ultimately made in regard to their birth experience. This method has helped me better understand, connect with, and empower my clients to align what they believe with what they want and ultimately lead them to achieve those goals."

Laura Browning, Kentucky USA

Neri has been invaluable in the progress of my career, as a Birth Coach. As a doula & childbirth educator, I have learned to look at working with clients, with a different perspective that allows them to trust themselves, their ideas, their bodies, as well as them having a positive birth experience. Thank you Neri for all the strategies you have shared, and I cannot wait to kick off my Birth Coaching practice! Best regards, 

Shereen Zarroug, CD, Dubai, UAE

"The course itself is transformational. I feel changed deeply by what I have learned. The Zoom discussions were very engaging. The assignments and the interactions fostered tremendous growth for me. I highly recommend this course for any type of birth professional.


SHOSHANA SLOMAN, Behavior Change & Stress Management

"...Creating accountability - rather than be the doula-rescuer when things don't go as plan. Letting clients find their own answers, take ownership and advocate for themselves will set them upon a path for life, as people and parents, while meeting them where they are. (Not to mention, it really helps with - preventing - doula burn-out.)



Bertine van Norden-Attia, Nederland

"This course has been a turning point for me in so many ways.  I am grateful that I listened to my instinct in seeking out this course because it has completely shifted how I view birth support and my role. I can’t even count all the times I wanted to support my clients but didn’t know how to “make them” see their vision through. I now have all the tools I never was given to help their vision align with their actions. This is pure magic. Thank you for birthing this idea and this course."

Megan Elizabeth Sweetman, California USA

"I can see clearly now that my doula clients get in tune with their own inner wisdom when I ask them questions instead of giving suggestions. It is so beautiful to see how empowering that is for the woman; that she carries the answer inside of her. Though I know a lot about pregnancy & birth, she is the one who knows her body, her values and her baby best. I love that I can support her in making decisions that align with her heart..."

Christine Olsen, Sweden

"…“Neri, when you said that our coachees won't need us for their birth, I'm a bit shocked that I'm actually feeling a little left out when they get all empowered and birthed without their doula around. I just had my 2nd client's birth (after getting certified as a Transformational Birth Coach) last night, and just like my client before her, both of them birthed without me! #BirthCoachMethod works!”

Nur Hafiza, CD, Qatar

"This course transformed me as a person. I use coaching questions with my children, with my husband, with my friends, with my clients. I realized that people know what is best for them and they don’t want me to tell them what to do. Instead, they need someone to coach them in the direction they wish to go, listen to them, and be interested in them."

Dimitra Tsagkaraki, Cypress

"Throughout the Birth Coach Training, Neri presented concepts and ideas that I will be able to utilize to bring new life to my work as a doula. Week by week she brought forward new tools and skills and gave us all the opportunity to jump in and use them to address real-life scenarios. I learned from Neri, and by listening to each of the participants. I am looking forward to completing the process and becoming a certified Birth Support Coach."

Joanne Dahill, USA

"This course has given me the space to become curious about my own expectations as a doula and it has helped me to define my role for my clients more specifically. I have learned critical techniques in the way I listen to and question clients which helps the client discover how to express their desires more clearly. This course will challenge every doula to think more critically about their role resulting in a more comprehensive client-centered birth coaching process."

Kelli Ghanati, USA

Our founder, Neri Life-Choma, on why coaching is necessary in birth support…