Transformational Online Doula Training

From zero to hero; emerge as an impactful and thriving doula

Birth Coach method's online doula training program is the most comprehensive program you can enroll in. Our program consists of 15 online classes and bi-weekly live check-in sessions with your trainer. To optimize your studying process, each online lesson is divided into short modules of about 25 minutes. To enhance your understanding, each lesson includes a downloadable study guide that you can fill in. 

This program has been studied by aspiring doulas in the Bay Area California for over ten years with great success. Our unique doula training program is known for the inherent coaching approach that is woven into each and every lesson. Now, this program is available for aspiring doulas all around the globe.  Our far-away students enjoy meeting our trainers for live check-in group sessions on Zoom. The bi-monthly Zoom sessions are for Q&A, discussions, case studies, and expansion on various topics. 

We're Unique For

  • Supporting our students all the way until they establish their doula practice and enroll clients.
  •  Teaching a comprehensive body of knowledge and a vast variety of comfort measures so that you can help your clients to cope and progress in their labor. 
  • Shifting the focus to prenatal coaching so that you can have a good work-life balance, avoid burnout and stay in the field for many years. 
  • Providing you with a framework to analyze your clients' progress in labor and match the labor support techniques with the phase they are in. 
  • Showing you how to establish teamwork in L&D so that your clients can continue to trust their caregivers and speak out for themselves. 
  • Investing in your knowledge and familiarity with medical aspects and interventions so that you can help your clients navigate and make informed decisions. 
  • Coaching and empowering you throughout moments of doubt or fear so that you can learn how to empower your clients.   
  • Enriching you with in-depth knowledge about postpartum support such as breastfeeding, bonding, birth givers recovery and hormonal changes, and how to reach a healthy closure.  

Neri delivers the right amount of information and all the examples she brings up kept me very interested. I felt like I was studying with a friend thanks to her warm voice, her encouragement, and the added tips and tricks that she shares from her extensive experience. Now I also came to realize how precious the coaching tools are.

Myriam Chaouki, Certified Doula and RN

Teaching Methods

  • 15 online video lessons divided into short modules of 25 minutes each
  • Downloadable study guide for each lesson
  • A wealth of additional resources: articles and video clips
  • Bi-weekly live check-in sessions on Zoom
  • A scenario-based study analyzing real birth stories and learning to provide prenatal coaching and doula support 
  • Guidance in finding a local supervisor and practical experience opportunities 

Birth Coach Methods strives to lead pregnancy and birth support that is based on mutual respect, mutual trust, and partnership.

We invite you to join us in achieving our goals by enrolling in one of our classes!

Meet the Trainers

"It gives me a great sense of fulfillment when I think about all the couples I've educated and supportted in my 20 years of practice. Teaching birth support professionals is an honor that comes with a huge responsibility for all the couples they will support. I am grateful for having the most experienced and knowledgeable birth professionals join me in spreading and manifesting Birth Coach Method's mission to provide birth support that acknowledges our clients' truth and vulnerability, and then infuses them with our professional knowledge and evidence-based pratice." 

Neri Life-Choma

M.A., Founder

Neri holds an M.A degree in cognitive science. She is a certified birth doula and childbirth educator, a certified hypnotherapist,  a transformational life Coach and NLP practitioner.

During her 20 years of practice, Neri founded a doula support program in a major hospital, and a birth resource center. She led hundreds of childbirth education classes and workshops and supported many couples through their birth. (See Neri's CV here.)

After becoming a life coach, Neri led doula training programs and professional development workshops with the goal of teaching birth professionals to integrate coaching skills into the field of birth support.  She is the founder of Birth Coach Method, and have created all the workshops, online classes and products of the company. 

In November 2012 Neri launched her DVD Practicing for an Active Birth, The Most Comprehensive Audio-Visual Guide for an Active and Healthy birth which you can find in our store. In November 2016 she published her first book The Art of Coaching for Childbirth, Integrating the Principles of Coaching into Birth Support.

Stephanie Sheldon-Mollinier

Project Manager

Stephanie joined birth Coach method as the head of birth workers enrichment and relation department. She is a certified Birth Coach Method Doula and an educator.

Stephanie holds a BA in Communication Studies and an MA in Teaching English. She enjoyed teaching English to international students at the university level for over ten years.

Stephanie is the mother of three vibrant daughters and has been married to a Frenchman for over fifteen years. She lives with her family in Santa Clara, California.

"I love the challenge and beauty of birth. I am following my passion and calling in life as a birth doula. In my eyes, it is important that women and couples feel supported, respected and cared for as they welcome their child(ren) to the world."  

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