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Fresh from the Oven: Sharing from our Birth Support Coaching Course

Are you curious about what happens in our Birth Support Coaching course?

It’s exciting to lead the first group of birth professionals who joined the Birth Coach Method’s first coaching course. We have participants from all around the globe: The Netherlands, Israel, and the US (East and West Coast). We all come together on consecutive Tuesdays for eight weeks using the Zoom platform. It is a group mentoring session in which I get to expand on the topic of the current lesson studied prior to the meeting. In addition to highlighting important concepts, we all brainstorm scenarios and engage in powerful coaching exercises.

How does a Birth Support Professional step into the coach’s role?

What do you see?

The first two lessons are a historical review of our field with the focus of distinguishing the difference between ‘labor coaches’, like doulas and childbirth educators, and professional ‘birth support coaches’. In our first meeting, we discussed the power of beliefs and people’s different models of the world, represented by the image on the right. We ended the meeting with a quote from Rumi: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

To be a successful coach, it is important to give up ‘the expert position’ that we are accustomed to using. As pregnancy and birth coaches, we need to give way to the partnership position. This partnership relies on mutual respect, mutual growth, and seeing the client as an expert in her own life.

How is coaching around the topic of EFM different than what we were doing until now?

Lead your clients to achieve the 5 ‘C’s: Clarity, Confidence, Conviction, Commitment, and (in) Charge.

In the second meeting, we were honored when a group member shared a birth scenario that she recently encountered in her doula practice. It gave us the opportunity to implement some of the coaching principles that we already touched on. We explored the relationships between women’s experience (as defined in the coaching practice), medical knowledge, and technology in our field. We ended the meeting with a group exercise comparing the common ways in which labor coaches approach the EFM (External Fetal Monitor) and the coaching conversation around it. Check it out in the video clip below.

Join us and learn about the five ‘C’s of birth support coaching

If you are committed to lead expectant individuals towards healthy and positive birth experiences, then take action and enroll in our coaching course. Are you burned-out or discouraged from doing the same thing over and over again, and not seeing your clients reaching their goals? Get your coaching certificate and learn how to lead your clients to achieve the 5 ‘C’s: Clarity, Confidence, Conviction, Commitment, and (in) Charge.

If you are a birth professional (doula, prenatal yoga teacher, etc.) and wish to learn the same coaching techniques that health and wellness coaches have found to be so successful in their practices, only learn how to apply it coaching expectant couples, we invite you to enroll in our Coaching for Pregnancy and Birth Certification Course.


Neri Life-Choma

childbirth education, coaching, training

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